Luogo - Architecture

Porta Saragozza

Where Mura di Porta Saragozza, 67, Bologna

Built for the first time in the thirteenth century, in 1334 was equipped with a drawbridge. For many years it was considered a secondary gate and it was only in 1674, when it was built the long porch that leads to the Sanctuary of the Madonna of San Luca, which Saragoza Gate acquired particular importance, used as a starting point for the procession to the Shrine. The Gate has become the current features after a radical reconstruction took place between 1857 and 1859, led by engineer Enrico Rodati Brunetti, who entrusted the completion to the architect Giuseppe Mengoni, who has totally changed the original layout with the addition of the lateral cylindrical towers connected by a portico with a new central keep. Currently, the interior of the keep houses the historical and educational collection of Museum of the Blessed Virgin of San Luca.

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